Launched in 2016 by Stuart Nevin and Dawn wakefield as a venture to help to support individuals to develop a healthier approach to recovery and ultimately life. With several years of experience working in health and wellbeing and substance misuse in North Lancashire. At present we work on Personal one to one basis and deliver voluntary fitness programs in the community and Liase with CGL Redrose Recovery and the Well to deliver bigger events like the bay 5k recovery run.
Previous groups The Well fit program and womens fitclub for Lancashire sport and OCR Fitness training have also been delvered over the past few years including award winning local football group which ran for 4 and half years and help 1000s of people. Stuart is at present studying a degree in sports coaching and has a LEVEL 3 Personal training accreditation, Level 5 lifeguard and has competed at the highest level of sport qualifying for the OCR world championships in 2016 and competed at the European and UK championships in age category and completed in the toughest endurance races in the UK.
Our Aim is to have a positive impact on our client’s lives by creating a memorable fitness experiences. We will deliver the best possible fitness and lifestyle solutions to our customers’ needs through fun, challenging, effective and inspiring programs and become recognized as a unique and respected fitness resource for our community.
Deliver personal training that is affordable and lead the consumer toward self-directed fitness without the professional direction of a trainer which is more costly in one's long term health and fitness. Create a generation of clients who are educated and enabled vs. clients who are co-dependent and feel their health & fitness is dependent upon the trainer
Develop clients who live and thrive vs. clients who survive and struggle. Serve the health and fitness education needs of individuals and groups of people living in some of the most deprived communities. And help them avoid an involvement in offending behaviour and support with the police in reducing crime
Be the creator of health & fitness solutions targeting major social issues, such as Addiction Crime Mental- health and a growing population of aged, unhealthy clients who must work later in life.
· Deliver bespoke personal training plans to the highest level.
· Group plans and specialise in readiness and rehabilitative training
· Advice on sport recovery pathways
· Liason with recovery community-CGL-REDROSE-PROBATION-POLICE.